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Goalpost FAQs, Part 2

Does Goalpost support dfferent foreign and regional Accents?

Yes. You can try out different foreign accents, like Mexican Spanish instead of Castillian Spanish. Also there is the possibility to change the regional accent of your native language, like English spoken with an Australian accent, or with an Indian accent, depending on the list of voices supported by your device.

Note that language voices are not supplied by Goalpost. They are supplied by your device. Most gadgets allow you to download more voices, either for free or through specialised voice-purchase options.

Can I install the Goalpost app on all my devices?

You can run the Goalpost app on all your devices, without incurring extra charges. This can be useful, for example, for running the app on home and work computers as well as on your mobile devices.

You must enter the same email address when installing the app on each device, otherwise it won't recognise you as being a valid user and it won't be able to retrieve your purchased language modules.

Does Goalpost need mobile data or wi-fi?

Goalpost only requires mobile data / wi-fi when setting up for the first time or for when you wish to purchase new language lessons.

For normal everyday use, playing the language audio, it does not require Internet access, so you can use Goalpost, for example, when travelling on an aeroplane.

Does Goalpost use Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Goalpost is guaranteed 100% free of AI. Artifical Intelligence is not used in the creation or running of Goalpost. Only human intelligence is used.

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